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Idaho Humanities Council Features Lincoln Scholars
Yours truly will have the pleasure of speaking twice in Boise in the next few weeks on two aspects of Abraham Lincoln's remarkable presidency.
The talks will take place at the Main Boise Public Library at 7 pm on September 10th and at the outstanding new library at Cole and Ustick at 7 pm on October 15th.
Here is a link to the Boise Library's site with more information about the events.
The talks, helping to commemorate the bicentennial of the birth of the 16th American president, were developed as part of the Idaho Humanities Council's Speakers Bureau.
On September 10th, the subject will be Re-electing Lincoln focusing on the pivotal election of 1864. I will make the case that it was the most significant presidential election in the country's history with literally the future of the nation depending on the outcome of the voting.
On October 15th, I'll delve into Lincoln as War Leader. Lincoln had no real military experience and found that he had to invent the role of "commander in chief." Ultimately he became a better military strategist than most of his generals.
If you find Lincoln as endless fascinating as I do, come on down to the Library!